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“Marketing Research Adviser to Fortune 500 Breaks Silence”

WARNING: Do Not Read This Unless You're Frustrated With Your Online Sales

Dear Busy Entrepreneur:

Your time and money are too valuable, so I’m going to skip the usual “toot-your-own-horn” stuff and get straight to the point.

Although I strongly urge you to read this letter in its entirety, because it has everything to do with you and the future of your online business.

But first, hide your checkbook and put away your credit cards — this one’s on the house.

All set?


Let me ask you…

Do you find yourself constantly thinking about how you’re going to:

Grow your revenue…
Turn a healthy profit…
Satisfy existing customers…
Attract new leads…
AND convert those leads into new customers…?

Knowing in the back of your mind…

“There must be a better way to grow my business.”

Yeah, me too.

…especially amid this chaotic, roller-coaster economy.

Just trying to keep up with the escalating “costs of doing business” is a gut-wrenching grind.

For example…

Marketing today is a confusing hodgepodge of online, offline, social, mobile, and AI “methods” that seems to get more convoluted by the hour.

Raise your hand if you’ve done any of the following:

  • Started PPC & SEM campaigns (Google Adwords, Microsoft Ads, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, native, push, media buys, etc.)
  • Optimized your web site for mobile users & deployed a comprehensive mobile strategy
  • Integrated social sharing mechanisms & engagement on all customer points of contact
  • Contracted with a social media specialist to manage your online reputation
  • Developed a video marketing channel
  • Outsourced content creation & syndication to a full-time writer or inbound marketer
  • Hired some hot shot SEO expert to tweak your digital properties for maximum organic search exposure

or more recently…

  • Started experimenting with ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini or any of the other generative AI tools & algorithms.

Ok, you can put your hand down. 🙂

Now, how do I know this?

Because that’s typically what EVERYBODY does — follow the herd, your competitors, and the ubiquitous “gew-rews” for advice on the “hottest” new marketing trends and methods.

For some reason, we’re all taught and preconditioned to believe that we have to know and do all this stuff to achieve real success. 

(More on that later.)

Look, it’s not your fault — we’ve all sipped (sometimes even choked on) the conventional-wisdom kool-aid.

No one is immune.

That includes the “experts” on Madison Ave. and plenty of Ivy League MBA’s.

Truth is, there’s a lot of crap to sort through.

And, unfortunately, sorting through it is every online entrepreneur’s “right of passage.”

It’s exhausting.

And ridiculously expensive.

But what are you supposed to do?

Cash in your 401(k) or personal savings…

Rack up more credit card debt…

Raid the kids’ college fund…

Chase the next “sure thing” marketing gizmo…?

I guess you could always head to your local bank, explain the merits of your whiz-bang business plan and pro-forma projections, and attempt to raise some capital the old-fashioned way.

(Because that’s always a pleasant experience.)

Ummm… yeah, right.

It’s enough to make even the most battle-tested and experienced of us raise the white flag of surrender.

Sadly, unfortunate scenarios like this play out every single day for the brave few who aspire to be masters of their own destiny and bring meaningful value to the world.

Perhaps you’ve found yourself in a similar situation at some point.